Maria Montessori School San Diego

This Montessori school, located at 4544 Pocahontas Avenue, San Diego, Ca  92117 is a small private school . It is extremely unfortunate that the administration of this school does not abide by their own mission statement. It is a beautiful statement.

Our experience at MMS began wonderfully, but over time it became apparent that honoring the whole child and working with all realms of development and growth, was outside their scope of skill and interest.

We found the communication with parents to be confusing, contradictory and dishonest. Their appeared to be an extreme disconnect between the reality of the school day  and what we were told by the teachers about our child.  Incidents that were reported to the “office” were not shared with us as parents. The “box” for expression and experimentation was very small and far different than we were led to believe from their mission and their parent handbook.

This school in our opinion had no tolerance nor skills for assisting children with age appropriate social challenges. They were not able to develop any type of working plan or document for addressing issues and were not open to alternatives to solve problems.  In our opinion they were unskilled, uncaring, unprofessional and close minded.

In future posts in this category we will be reviewing the Maria Montessori School mission statement and our experiences with each area of focus.